There are various service providers/platforms available for the smooth flow of information in an OTC market.
Some of the Service Providers used in the OTC market are as follows:
1 Swapwire – This is an electronic platform for capturing Swaps details and doing confirmation and affirmation.
2 DTCC Deriv/Serv – It supports automated matching and confirmation services for all Derivatives products.
3 T-Zero – This company enables confirmation/affirmation for clearing and settlement.
4 TriOptima – provides service packages to terminate Swaps, and reconciliation services for OTC Derivatives.
5 CreditXpress – provides support to automate post-trade processing for OTC Bond and Credit Derivatives.
6 Omgeo – Provides Omgeo Trade Match Platforms to do affirmations automatically.
7 Markit – This company provides a platform for OTC Equities, OTC Derivatives, and Structured Financial Products. They provide instant messaging platforms, and support in reconciliations. It talks to other platforms as well as DTCC and SwapsWire